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CMS Egamma Results

Public Results

Analysis Document Public twiki lumi used ECM year
*Performance of electron and photon reconstruction in Run 2 with the CMS experiment* CMS-DP-2020-037 Twiki 13 TeV Run-2
Redefinition of Electron and Photon identification variables for Run-3 in the CMS Experiment CMS DPS-2020/034 Twiki 14 TeV Run-3
Single and Double Electron trigger Efficiencies using the full Run 2 dataset CMS DPS-2020/016 Twiki 13 TeV Run-2
Performance of Electron and Photonreconstruction in the 2017 Legacy dataset of the CMS Experiment CMS DPS-2020/024 - 13 TeV 2017
CMS ECAL Timing Resolution Performance with Run 2 data CMS DPS-2019/021 Twiki 35.9+45.2 fb-1 13 TeV 2016+2017
Dielectron event display from 2018 CMS data for the ICHEP 2018 Conference CMS DPS-2018/043 - 13 TeV 2018
Electron and Photon performance in CMS with the data sample collected in 2016-17-18 at 13 TeV for the ICHEP 2018 Conference CMS DPS-2018/041 - 13 TeV 2016+17+18
Electron trigger performance in CMS with the full 2016 and 2017 data samples CMS DPS-2018/030 Twiki 36 + 42 fb-1 13 TeV 2016+2017
Electron and Photon performance in CMS with the full 2017 data sample and additional 2016 highlights for the CALOR 2018 Conference CMS DPS-2018/017 - 36 + 42 fb-1 13 TeV 2016+2017
Electron and photon performance in CMS with the full 2016 data sample CMS DPS-2017/004 - 36 fb-1 13 TeV 2016
Electron and photon performance in CMS with first 12.9/fb of 2016 data CMS DPS-2016/049 - 12.9 fb-1 13 TeV 2016
Electron performance using first data collected by CMS in 2016 CMS DPS-2016/026 - 0.6 fb-1 13 TeV 2016
Electron and Photon performance using data collected by CMS at s = √13 TeV and 25ns CMS DPS-2015/067 - 2.6 fb-1 13 TeV 2015
*Electron and Photon performance with 50ns Run II data at sqrt(s)=13 TeV* CMS DPS-2015/013 - 40 pb-1 13 TeV 2015
*Performance of electron reconstruction and selection with the CMS detector at sqrt(s)=8TeV* EGM-13-001 TWiki 19.6 fb-1 8 TeV 2014
*Performance of photon reconstruction and selection with the CMS detector at sqrt(s)=8TeV* EGM-14-001 - 19.6 fb-1 8 TeV 2014
Photon Performance Plots CMS DP-2013/010 TWiki 19.6 fb-1 8 TeV 2013
Electron Performance Plots CMS DP-2013/003 TWiki 19.6 fb-1 8 TeV 2013
Electron Reconstruction and Identification CMS DP-2010/032 - \<35 pb-1 7 TeV 2010
Di-Electron resonances and Mass Spectra CMS DP-2010/017 TWiki \<35 pb-1 7 TeV 2010

Notes, PAS and papers

  • *EGM-17-001*: Electron and photon reconstruction and identification withthe CMS experiment at the CERN LHC
  • *EGM-18-001*: Reconstruction of signal amplitudes in the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter in the presence of overlapping proton-proton interactions
  • *EGM-10-003*: Electromagnetic calorimeter calibration with 7 TeV data
  • *EGM-10-005*: Photon reconstruction and identification at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
  • *CMS-NOTE-2010-012*: Electromagnetic calorimeter commissioning and first results with 7 TeV data
  • *EGM-10-001*: Electromagnetic physics objects commissioning with first LHC data

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