e/γ POG

Documentation last updated on 16-09-2022

It is still "work in progress", please refer to EGamma Twiki for the moment..

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The charge of the E/gamma POG is to study, develop, characterize and validate the tools to identify and reconstruct electrons and photons using all the information available from the CMS detector, both for the offline analysis and for the online event selection (HLT).

In particular, the E/gamma POG is the forum to discuss and coordinate the work on the development of:

  • reconstruction algorithms for electron and photon objects starting from standalone ECAL reconstructed objects (e.g. !SuperClusters)
  • standardized tools for electron and photon identification
  • algorithms to distinguish photons from pi-zeros
  • HLT algorithms for electrons and photons, and the optimization of trigger paths, rates and efficiencies
  • techniques to measure trigger and reconstruction efficiencies using data